First and last legal name.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address Confirmation
If you are in the US, enter 1 for country code.
Date of birth
What city would you like to see me in?
Desired date, time, and length of date. Please list an alternative date/time if possible.
If pre-screening or inquiring to compare schedules, just indicate so here.
What are you interested in exploring together?
Have you seen a provider before?
If you have provider references, please list them here.
Please include their website, ad, social media, or some other form of verification and how I can contact them.
Additional Verification
If you don't have references please attach links to at least two of the following: LinkedIn, your personal or company website, social media links, facebook profile, instagram, etc. I may ask for photo ID and further verification if needed.
Have you read over my rates, deposit requirements, and cancellation policies? Do you agree to them?
No, I love wasting my own time.
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
If you have any injuries, health concerns, or other information pertinent to our date please indicate here.
Would you like to be added to my mailing list?
Thank you! I will be in touch soon! If you have not heard anything back in over 72 hours, please nudge me via email to ensure your form didn’t end up in spam, and double check your own spam folder to make sure my reply didn’t end up there either. Once I receive your inquiry I will get in touch to schedule a consultation call where we can openly discuss our desires. Please make sure you are somewhere quiet and private for our call.
I can’t wait to meet you!